Hello, treasured customers, partners, and friends!

We are thrilled and delighted to announce that the much-anticipated English edition of Hai Trieu Garment‘s website is officially live as of the 13th of July, 2023.

In our ongoing commitment to providing an excellent user experience to all our valued customers, we considered your needs and desires. The new website is part of our strategy to enhance our presence internationally, better serve our global clientele, and continue delivering high-quality garment services worldwide.

Incorporating Usability & Versatility

Knowing that we serve a broad spectrum of clients, we designed the website focusing on usability and versatility. The website offers seamless navigation and a responsive layout that accommodates any device, making browsing through our extensive array of garment services easy.

Detailed Service Overview

Our website provides a comprehensive overview of our services for first-time visitors, complete with detailed descriptions and stunning visuals. Existing users can now access all the pertinent information and updates about our services in English, ensuring no one misses out on our amazing garment solutions.

Unprecedented Client Support

Our English website also provides upgraded client support options for global visitors. An expanded FAQ section is available to answer any immediate queries. Meanwhile, a dedicated English-speaking customer service team is ready and waiting for any specific concerns you may have, ensuring we offer unprecedented support as we strive towards catering to our international clientele.

Becoming Borderless

At Hai Trieu Garment, we believe in surpassing geographical boundaries for a global reach. Our new English website represents our mission to become borderless, breaking down language barriers and making our service more accessible than ever.

Explore Today!

Today, we invite you to explore our newly launched English website. Whether you are a fashion retailer, clothing enthusiast, or regular visitor, we believe you will find everything you need and more in our new English space.

Join us as we embark on this exciting new venture. Navigate through our vibrant service offerings, understand our company even better, and contact us for any queries, suggestions, or feedback. We believe this platform will serve as a bridge connecting us to more of you across the globe.

To us, it is more than just a website; it is a hub of connectivity, a commitment to excellent service, and an ongoing dedication to all our local and international clients.

We thank you deeply for your unwavering support that propels us forward.

Best Regards,

Mr. Pham Tuan Anh
General Director at Hai Trieu Garment Company